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Q: How much gold did the average pharaoh make?
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What did the pharaoh do in the Egyptian civilization?

Pharaohs ruled over ancient Egypt. they ruled, made laws, and basicly dominated over the Egyptian population. they were sort of like presidents today, but had much more power in that they can make laws or ban something without anyones consult. So, they were like an emperor. The Egyptian population also could not vote for a pharaoh, because the future pharaoh would be the son of the current pharaoh.

How long did kush rule Egypt?

A Pharaoh would rule until he either died or was deposed. It was not uncommon for a Pharaoh to be assasinated. On average a pharaoh ruled about 10 years, but some ruled much longer than that, while others lasted only a matter of days.

How much money did the pharaoh make?

An Egyptian Pharoah did not earn a salary. In early Egyptian culture the Pharaoes were considered to be gods (with this changing to messengers for the gods in later eras) and the people (nobility) were expected to submit regular gifts to appease them. This was especially true upon the death of the Pharaoh, when all were expected to offer gifts of 'unparalleled magnitude' to ease the passage of the Pharaoh into the place of the gods.

How does the pharaoh get his power?

Usually by succession in the family line, but as the line came on the female side, they had to marry the next in line female, usually their sister. They also married all their female relatives to make sure, and stop any usurper marrying one and claiming the throne.

How much gold did the Incas mine?

the Incas mined for 18362 million gold

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Why were all the people so poor in ancient Egypt when they had so much gold?

the gold only went to the rich people like the pharaoh.

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The average price for a troy ounce of gold in 2001 was $271.04

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The average price for a troy ounce of gold in 1914 was $18.99

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How much is the average gold price?

The average gold price ranges from $1.810 to $1.700. Later in the year the bank expects gold to raise up to the $1.800 mark before the end of the year.

How much can you make panning for gold?

A Lot

How much is one third of an ounce of gold worth?

The average price for a troy ounce of gold in 1920 was $20.68

How much does an average gold bar weigh?

it usually weighs 20 lbs.

How much does a Gold Medalist make for getting the Gold medal?

1 million dollars