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Q: How much ham could a hamster stir if a hamster could stir ham?
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Why can't you feed your hamster ham?

You could, but only a small amount once in a while because too much can upset their stomachs.

How much ham would a ham chuck chuck if a ham chuck could chuck ham?

he can chuck all the ham that a ham chuck could if a ham chuck could chuck ham

What kind of animal hamtaro is?

Hamster, that's where the term Ham-Ham comes from, and they say hamster in the cartoon.

How do you pronounce this Syrian hamster?

Here: sih-ree-an ham-ster

Is it safe to kiss a hamster?

Of course it is! I give my little ham-ham a kiss on his back every night before bed. :)

How do you change the name on Hamtaro ham ham games?

usually it asks you in the beginning of the games what the name of the hamster will be, that's when you can change it.

Which Hamster can i talk to get the Pooie word from Hamtaro Ham Ham Unite?

Well first go to the ruins. After you pass the ham-ham sitting at the table, go down. Instead of turning right turn left. Stand at the right corner of the tv. "Tack-Q" it four times. After you hear someone yell, go back up to the ham-ham and "hamha" him. He will then teach you "Pooie". Hope this helps ;)

In the game Hamtaro ham ham heartbreak I already talked to the mother in the painting but the red ham ranger still won't come out of the bathroom stall. What should I do?

you talk to the baby ghost hamster's mom and she turns into ham red

What are some lazy hamster names?

Humphrey, Stuffing, Sniffles, Stocking, Ollie, Sandy, Shadow, Spotty, Tic, Tac. Those are a few good hamster names. My hamster is called Humphrey and it suits him so a big recommendation for that one. My hamster is also called humphrey and my other is badger so try that as well. Button is also cute.

Where can you get the guy to get you a slingshot and which guy is it because i am trying and its not working on hamtaro ham ham heartbreak?

IMPORTANT;DO THIS AFTER YOU HAVE FOUND SPAT AND HE HAS RUN OFF WITH THE RED MARBLE in wildwoods what you do is this go to the lake where spat is and he will throw a forked branch at you then you go into the village turn left and go in the house where the shop hamster is trying to sell the other hamster somthing buy the band off the hamster (shop hamster)and then go out the village then take the two items to the house just beside the village ask the boy ham ham to putput the 2 items he will then you will have you slingshot after that go back to spat and hip the bee hive above his head

How much does ham cost for Thanksgiving?

how much does a thanksgiving ham cost

How much would a donation be at pets at home for a hamster?

It depends on which size you need.....if you have a dwarf hamster, you need the smallest one, which is around £6, the rest are a small amount higher than that, so I'm guessing about £8..hope this helped ♥