

How much has it rotated since the dinosaurs died?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How much has it rotated since the dinosaurs died?
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How much water has been created since the dinosaurs lived?

the same amount of water we have today... (70%)

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Tarantulas have been on Earth for at least tens of thousands of years, probably much longer. Their ancestor species have been on Earth since before the dinosaurs, hundreds of millions of years ago.

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Do humans drink dinosaurs pee?

Not so much. All of the water that has ever been on earth has been recycled through evaporation then rain or snow and so on since the earth began. So dinosaurs drank water and peed and the water was absorbed into the ground which filtered it and then it rose to the surface, evaporated, rained and so on. So yes it is the same water the dinosaurs used but any trace of dinosaur pee has long ago been filtered out.

Which dinosaurs are still alive now?

Well,the dinosaurs your probably thinking of is like T-Rex's and others but there actually is a dinosaur that is still alive...Crocodiles,turtles,some fish and more!

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Are sharks a kind of dinosaur?

No. They are a kind of fish. But they haven't changed much since the time of the dinosaurs which is what I think you are referencing. Another one is the bat relating to pterodactyl.

Why arent their any dinosaurs anymore?

There are no non avian dinosaurs anymore because of the K-T extinction event 65.5 million years ago. An asteroid with a diameter of 6 miles crashed into what is now the Yucatan Peninsula, creating the Chixculub crater. It threw so much dust into the atmosphere, that sunlight was blocked for months. Plants died without sunlight, and the herbivorous dinosaurs died without plants to eat. The carnivores soon died out, too, because their prey was gone. However, birds, a group of dinosaurs, do still exist today.

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Dinosaurs appeared on Earth long before the first humans or cavemen. Dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era, which ended about 65 million years ago, while early humans appeared much later during the Pleistocene Epoch about 2.5 million years ago.

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