

How much heat does water release the when it evaporates?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The water heat of vaporization is 40,65 kJ/mol.

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Q: How much heat does water release the when it evaporates?
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This depends on whether you mean evaporates due to heat or its volatility. if you mean due to heat, then obviously water, as the forces holding the molecules together are much stronger in hydrocarbons compared to standard water molecules.

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pepsi evaporates faster than water because the darkness of the pepsi and the lightness of the water doesnt attrack light as much as pepsi does with the light. so pepsi evaporates faster than the water.

How much water evaporates from a cup of water in a day?

1 ounce

Does higher boiling point evaporate faster?

Evaporation and boiling are the same process, liquid water is converted to water vapour. To convert from liquid to gas the water molecules have to absorb heat. The rapidly the heat is supplied, the faster the liquid water changes to a gas. In evaporation this heat comes from the air the water is exposed to, the surface the water sits on and the heat already in the water (hot water cools as it evaporates). This process is relatively slow compared to boiling water where a lot of heat is being put into the system by the stove or hot plate. It takes the same amount of heat to boil or evaporate the same amount of water. Boiling provides this heat much more quickly. Therefore boiling water evaporates much more quickly.

What is the heat of vaporization value of water?

It is approximately 539.4 calories per gram.

How much water evaporates from the pool?

This depends on many factors.

How much water evaporates from the Amazon?

about 20,840 gallons a day

How fast or slow does water absorb and release heat?

there is no specific set time; it depends on how direct the heat source is and how much heat or light there is

Why can we separate salt from water?

Water evaporates at a MUCH lower temperature than salt.