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Q: How much heat is evolved when 251 g of ammonia gas condenses to a liquid at its boiling point?
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What is the temperature below which gas condenses?

The temperature at which a gas condenses into a liquid is known as the gas's condensation point or boiling point. This temperature is specific to each gas and can vary depending on the pressure conditions.

What is the meaning of melting point of ammonia and boiling point of ammonia?

The melting point of ammonia is the temperature at which solid ammonia turns into liquid ammonia. This occurs at -77.7 degrees Celsius. The boiling point of ammonia is the temperature at which liquid ammonia turns into a gas. This happens at -33.34 degrees Celsius.

How does a ammonia purger work?

An ammonia purger works by using a combination of heat and pressure to separate ammonia gas from liquid ammonia. The liquid ammonia is heated, causing the ammonia gas to separate and rise to the top of the purger, where it can be collected and removed. The remaining liquid ammonia can then be recirculated or further processed.

What is the saturation temperature of vapour or the boiling temperature of a liquid?

The saturation temperature of a vapor is the temperature at which it condenses to a liquid at a given pressure. It is also known as the boiling temperature of a liquid, as it is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the surrounding pressure, resulting in boiling.

What is a boiling point of substance?

The temperature at which it turns into a gas (usually the temperature when the liquid phase "bubbles" and vaporizes) also the temperature where the gas phase condenses to a liquid.

Temperature in which a gas becomes a liquid?

Each gas condenses at a different temp. as for water vapor it condenses at 212F or 100C

Is liquid ammonia boiling a chemical or physical change?

Physical change.. think of it as it changing state not the substance

When vapour coming from a cover bowl of boiling water and the liquid condenses and drop back into the bowl what change occur?

physical change

What is mean by Liquid ammonia?

Liquid ammonia refers to ammonia that has been cooled to a temperature below its boiling point, causing it to condense into a clear, colorless liquid. It is commonly used in industrial processes and refrigeration systems due to its ability to absorb heat quickly and efficiently. Liquid ammonia can be hazardous if not handled properly, as it is highly corrosive and can cause skin and respiratory irritation.

When ammonia gas converted into ammonia liquid?

Ammonia gas is converted into liquid ammonia through a process called liquefaction, where the gas is cooled below its boiling point of -33 degrees Celsius. This causes the ammonia molecules to condense and form a liquid state. The liquid form of ammonia is used for various industrial applications, such as in refrigeration systems and as a fertilizer.

Is energy absorbed or released when a solid melts a liquid vaporizes a gas condenses and a liquid melts?

Melting and boiling (vaporization) absorb energy, freezing and condensing release energy.

Why Does neon condense?

Neon condenses because it transitions from a gaseous state to a liquid state when it is cooled below its boiling point of -246.1 degrees Celsius. This causes the neon atoms to come together and slow down, forming a denser liquid phase.