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Q: How much hertz can a rabbit hear?
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How much hertz does a rabbit have?

Hertz are a measure of frequency, and as such don't directly apply to rabbits. The question does not make sense.

What is the lowest pitch a human can hear?

20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz is the frequency response range that a human can hear. So in answer to your question 20 Hertz would be the lowest pitch a human can hear.

Which frequency can the average person hear?

20 hertz to 20,000 hertz

How many hertz can bats hear?

1,000 to 120,000 but sometimes 210,000 hertz

How far can a Jack rabbit hear?

how long can a jack rabbit hear ?

How do dogs hear sounds that humans don't hear?

Dogs can hear sounds we can't hear because the human ear can hear from 20-2000 Hertz. Dogs instead can hear higher/lower. It's all because of the hearing and how many hertz we can hear.

Did you hear about the rabbit who ate a bee it a joke?

No. Did you hear about the rabbit who ate a bee is not a joke.

Do Dogs hear high frequency sounds?

No they have an aversion to high pitched noises.

Dogs can hear from what hertz to what hertz?

I researched this question and apparently: "Dogs hear high tones in particular much better than humans do. Humans can pick up an average of 20,000 acoustic vibrations per second (kHz), whereas a dog is able to perceive between 40,000 and 100,000 vibrations." Although dogs can hear pretty well compared to humans, bats can detect twice as high a pitch as dogs.

What is the highest hertz a dog can hear?

i think 20 to 45,000

What is the range a human can hear?

A human ear can pick up a sound of up to 20,000 hertz. Cats can pick up 60,000 hertz, and dogs can pick up 40,000 hertz maximum.

Can dogs hear better or smell better?

dogs can smel better that's what are known for.. dogs can smel better that's what are known for..