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Q: How much is 10000 dez mil cruzados worth right now in America?
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Where can you exchange 10000 Dez Mil Cruzados?

First off, mil Cruzados means "a thousand Cruzados". 1000 mil Cruzados means you have 1000 banknotes each worth Cz$1000. Secondly, Brazil hasn't used the Cruzado as a currency in over 20 years. The current Brazilian currency is the Real.

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What is 1000 mil cruzados worth in American dollars?

1000 Brazil mil cruzados = $ 600.96 US Dollars.

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What is a cem cruzados?

Cem Cruzados were coins that were used as currency in Brazil. Their production was ended in 1989. As a result, they lost their worth and are no longer recognized as viable currency.

What is cem cruzados?

Cem Cruzados were coins that were used as currency in Brazil. Their production was ended in 1989. As a result, they lost their worth and are no longer recognized as viable currency.

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It is worth 100$ Only in America it might be different somewhere else

How much is 10000 dez mil cruzados worth in America?

Exchange rates change every day so any answer posted here would be out of date within 24 hours. While it's not normal WikiAnswers policy to say "use the Internet", that's the best approach in this case. You can check a site such as, CNNMoney, etc. for the latest conversion factors. However. Cruzados is no longer a valid currency, and therefore has no face value. It is only worth anything amongst collectors, and it is not worth all that much to begin with (probably to to the facts it's not that old, so there's plenty of it for people to get their hands on).

How much is 500 quinhentos cruzados worth in Canadian dollars?

I'm wondering the same thing.

Are Brazilian mil cruzados worth anything?

The Banks can exchange for your: HSBC SANTANDER BanK of Brasil