

Best Answer

164 m = 179.4 yards

If you want to convert it into something else, go to Google and type:

"164 metres in UNIT" where you replace with UNIT with something like miles or km or yards.

Hope this helps.

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Q: How much is 164 meters in American scale?
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How much is 164 square meters in square feet?

164 sq meters = about 1,765 (1,765.28131) sq feet.

How much is 164 meters squared in square feet?

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How many meters is 164 feet?

164 feet is about 50 (49.9872) meters.

What is 164cm converted into meters?

164 centimeters=1.64 meters

Hom many meters in 164 cm?

1.64 meters

What is 164 centimeters in meters?

1.64 m

Is 50 Meters 164 Feet?

Yes, 150 meters = 164.042 feet.

How many meters are there in 164 centimeters?

There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, 164 centimetres is equal to 164/100 = 1.64 metres.

How many meters in 164 cm?

100 centimetres = 1 metre so 164 cm = 164/100 metres = 1.64 metres. Simple!

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The length of the Earth's equator is approximately 40,075 kilometers, which is equivalent to 40,075,000 meters.

How many square feet are in a 164 square meter house?

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The length of the Earth's equator is 12,756,000 meters."The Solar System", Roman Smoluchowski, Scientific American Library, 1983, page 164