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Q: How much is 95 dollars 95p in English money?
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What is 1.70 minus 95p?

£1.70 - 95p = 75p

How much is the yu gi oh card arcana knight joker?

You can get a used one for 95p and a new one for £3.81 on

That is adding got to do with maths?

Like If You Have 48p and You Had 95p and you have to have £1.24! So If there wasn't "+" you wouldn't know.

How do you round 945 to the nearest ten?

It ends in a 5, so it is rounded up to 950.

Find to the nearest penny 1/8 of 95p?

95 divided by 8 equals to 11.875, and is so the nearest penny would be 12.

What is Chiron according to astronomy?

2060 Chiron(95P/Chiron) is classified as a, possibly ringed, minor planet and comet found in the outer Solar System between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.

What are 31 ways to make 1.05 with using quarter nickel penny and dime?

p=pennies d=dimes q=quarter n=nickel I can't believe I'm going to do this tedious work 105p 100p 1n 95p 1d 95p 2n 90p 1d 1n 90p 3n 85p 2d 85p 1d 2n 85p 4n 80p 1q 80p 2d 1n 80p 1d 3n 80p 5n 75p 1q 1n ... I hope you can get some more.

How much is ken broadbent owl colage clock?

A good estimate can be found on ebay -if you search for Ken Broadbent Clock and then look in the "sold" tab that might give you an idea. We're selling one on ebay starting at only 95p so we'll let you know how that goes if you like - Samantha @ Rivey's Space (eBay Riveysspace2013)

Where can the largest comet be found?

The problem with answering this question is that two of the words used are somewhat vague: what do you mean by 'comet' and what do you mean by 'biggest'?Hale-Bopp has the largest known nucleus of any comet that is clearly and unambiguously a comet.However, 2060 Chiron, also known as 95P/Chiron, is larger than Hale-Bopp and exhibits some comet-like behavior (that's why the two names; the first is a minor planet name, the second is a comet name); it's possible that it could become a short-period comet eventually (within a million years or so).Hale-Bopp has a highly eccentric 2500-year orbit; it's currently somewhere outside the orbit of Neptune and headed outward, which will continue to be the case for the next 1200 years or so.Chiron's 50-year orbit is far less eccentric, but still pretty eccentric; it ranges between roughly the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.

Is sutton coldfield grammar school for girls a good school?

Well I'm in year 8 and i found the first year very tough. when i was in year 5/6 i set my heart on the school but when i had started, i started to regret going there as the work wasn't explained very well, the teachers always believe a teachers word over a pupils (like most schools probably but its not very fair) and most people fell quite far behind. Also teachers aren't very approachable and the food prices are quite high(95p for a pizza slice, salad pot is £1.20). but the school still has its upsides like good sports clubs and good GCSE and A-Level results. Pupils get a lot of homework every day which can be very depressing and you have 1 test a term and at the end of the year you have an exam in every subject for a week. Overall it is quite a good school but i wouldn't put it at the top of my list. I learnt a lesson when i started which was don't set your heart on something straight away look at it from both sides before making you mind up. I hope my review is very helpful. xx

In 2008 why the penny is significant?

It's a pretty vague (and slightly strange) question, but I'll assume you mean why do we still need them?The most obvious use of a single penny is in the oft used 99p, £4.99 and £9.99 price tags.Most people will round it up in their heads, but will still stand there waiting for their 1p change.If the penny is discontinued, will retailers round it up to the next pound, or still try to use the psychological ploy of making it look like a pound cheaper by using 98p instead? If you follow that on to it's next logical conclusion and assume the 2p goes too, do we then get 95p shops instead of the glut of pound shops that exist now?There's already a 99p shop in my neck of the woods and they must use 1p coins by the barrow load, although I suspect some people decline the change as useless thus adding a nice bit of extra profit to the store. 1p might be insignificant to you, but times the hundreds possibly thousands over the course of a day, could go towards paying one of the staffs wages.I see kids chucking copper coins as worthless trash quite often, but you only need to keep a jar or tin somewhere and then use one of those automatic changer machines you see in a lot of supermarkets to see it's not worthless. I recently cashed in my (mostly) copper coins and got £14 - you wouldn't throw £14 on the floor would you? And that was only about three weeks worth, so multiply that to a years worth and it's clear to see the humble penny is not insignificant at all.