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Anything over 20mph over the speed limit is considered reckless driving and you can be put in jail for it.

Well.. it could cost someone their life. I do not think you can put a price on someones life. (the person who said this obiviously is unaware of the statistics that you are much more likely to die in an idling car than to be killed by someone speeding)

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Q: How much is a California speeding ticket 92 in 65 going to cost?
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How much is a speeding ticket in California for going 75 MPH on a 55 MPH road?

The cost of a speeding ticket for going 75 mph in a 55 will depend on the city in California. Generally, the ticket could range from $100 to $350.

How much would a speeding ticket cost if you were going 110 in 65 mile zone in Orange County California?

Not speeding is a good way to avoid a $250 ticket.

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The average cost of a speeding ticket in the Fresno, CA area is about $215. That average is about the same statewide.

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25 dollars

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$208 I was given a ticket for going 80mph in a 70mph zone. The ticket cost $127 + traffic school.

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The cost for a speeding ticket in California for going 55 in a 70 mile per hour zone is $214 plus court costs of $100 or more. The ticket will remain on the person's record for five years.

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The cost of the speeding ticket depends on how fast the driver was going, and it depends on the speed limit for the area.

How much will your speeding ticket cost?

depends on how fast you were going.

Speeding ticket cost in ny?

A speeding ticket in New York can cost between 45 dollars and 600 dollars. It depends on how fast you were going to determine the cost of the fine.

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The speeding ticket for going 62 in a 40 MPH zone in California varies between about 200 dollars and about 250 dollars depending on the type of violation. If you were in residential zone, you can also get a ticket for reckless driving.

How much will as speeding ticket cost going 72mph on a 35mph zone in Long Beach California?

Probably a lot. You doubled the speed limit.