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Q: How much is a ball eclipse pressure cooker worth?
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What year was eclipse ball invented?

Eclipse Ball was invented around 1980 but was not introduced to the physical education until 1994.

When was eclipse ball invented?

it was in 2015

What actions do air pressure have in a bouncing ball?

The higher the pressure inside the ball and the more molecules there are to push against the ball interior, the stiffer the ball becomes. A ball colliding with a rigid surface deforms, increasing the air pressure around the deformed region. This additional pressure spreads through the ball interior, causing the ball to bounce off the ground.

How would the air pressure inside a soccer ball change when you kick it?

The more pressure in the ball the firmer it will be to kick. A low pressure ball will concave around your foot when you kick it but a higher pressure ball will give less. The more pressure in the ball the more air pressure your moving when you kick it. Think of it like a bow; the father back it is drawn the farther the arrow will fly. The more pressure in the ball the more solid it is and therefore gives more energy for energy input.

Which ball bounces higher one with high pressure or low pressure?

The ball that has the higher pressure.

How much pressure should be in a kick ball?

It depends on the kick ball. There should be a number printed or molded on the ball or package somewhere that states the pressure range for that particular ball.

What effect does air pressure have on a bounce of a ball?

I don't believe air pressure has any effect on a ball bouncing. Gravity on the other hand greatly effects how a ball bounces. the less gravity the more it bounces. On the other hand if you are referring to the air pressure inside of a ball that is a different story. The effect is the inverse, the lower the pressure the less the ball will bounce, where higher pressure will increase proportionatly a higher bounce to the ball.

Who invented Eclipse Ball?

Donald Benson of Grant Michigan check

How does air pressure affect how a ball bounces?

Air doesn't effect the bounce of the ball much higher air pressure the harder the ball lower pressure softer the ball temp effects it too colder soft warmer harder

Which ball is worth more in the game of snookers?

The Black Ball, it's worth 7 points.

What ball is worth 6 in snooker?

The pink ball

How a soccer ball bounces?

A soccer ball bounces as the air particles in them hit and apply pressure at the ball, when it hits a surface, the pressure from the particles apply a force on the ball. Thus, making it bounce.