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It's priceless

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Q: How much is a hug from George Washington worth?
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How much is a hug from Barack Obama worth?

A lot!

How much would a hug from Jesus be worth?

OMG like $500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Actually, priceless.

If your girlfriend is much taller than you and you love when she hugs you what are you suppose to say when you want a hug. hold me or something like that?

How about a hug? Or just hug her first. Hug low so she can hug you high comfortably.

What chapter do bella and edward first hug in twilight?

They never seem to hug much.

When and where did baseball player Ed Hug play?

Ed Hug debuted on July 6, 1903, playing for the Brooklyn Superbas at Washington Park III; he played his final game on July 6, 1903, playing for the Brooklyn Superbas at Washington Park III.

What is the story about George Washington and the cherry tree?

This is the told story of George Washington and the cherry tree. George Washington was a good little boy. One day, his father got him an ax as a present. George Washington's dad had a big orchard, and just planted a baby cherry tree. "This cherry tree will bloom in the spring, and will grow cherries in the fall" said his father proudly. George was so happy to have his ax that he chopped down the cherry tree! His father was so sad when he saw his broken cherry tree. He didn't know who did it, so he said that anyone who did this will get punished. Finally, George decided to tell his father the truth. So he did, and his father said to him " Oh, George. You could of just said so. I'm not mad at you. You told the truth, and that's all that matters. I forgive you, George, because you didn't know." and so, he took George in his arms and gave him a good hug.

How do you hug passionately?

* Really mean it when you hug * I don't think there is a way to hug ' passionately ' - it isn't really a passionate thing. Why don't you just kiss... much better!

Does a guy like you igf they hug you or want to?

Yes guys that want to hug you pretty much like you or their just being freindly

What is the meaning of the slang word xoxo?

Not too much, but maybe that he likes you a little.

How much pounds per square inch of pressure is in an average human hug?

An average human hug exerts about 10 pounds per square inch of pressure. This pressure can vary depending on the strength and duration of the hug.

In 10th grade - Should you kiss a girl or hug her after you've asked her out and she's said yes?

If she smiles and says yes give her a hug but a kiss will be to much

How do you get a hug from your girlfrie nd?

You hug her! Don't wait for her to hug you!