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Q: How much is the appearance fee for peoples court?
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How much will cost for me and my son for a name change.?

Having gone through the experience myself it just requires a court filing fee (under $50 each) and time off for a court appearance, your local court should have a simple packet to complete.

How much is a suspended tag fee in ga?

One hundred and sixty in floyd county, north ga.

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How much does a bankruptcy cost in Florida?

Around 2,000 for the attourney and court fee's.

Is there a fee to pay when filing an answer on a court summons?

There is usually a filing fee to file any documents with a court.

What is the initial fee to expunge a record in Mississippi?

There is the court filing fee that must be paid to the Clerk opf the Court when the motion is filed, and there is the fee that you will have to pay your attorney to move the matter through the court. For the exact amount of the filing fee call your local courthouse.

How much is the fine for not wearing a helmet in Nebraska?

I'd like to know, too. I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

If you got a ticket for going 54 in a 35 zone in Indiana but it had no price but a court summons on it where can you find out the amount of the ticket and the insurance price after the ticket?

The fee assessed to the ticket will be assigned by the judge in traffic court. There's no set fee for a ticket that requires a court appearance. And depending on the outcome of the hearing, your insurance rates may be adjusted. Best advice? Slow down. Keep yourself and others safe.

How much should I pay for a lawyer to represent me at a criminal arraignment in a NYC court?

Pretty sure the lawyer will tell you how much you will have to pay - they have set fees for certain court procedures ... usually a per hour fee, and depending on how involved they have to get to solve the case for you, the amount of time can also increase the fee.

How much are people paid to be on peoples court?

Participants on "The People's Court" are reportedly paid an appearance fee of between $100 and $300 regardless of the case outcome. Additionally, the show covers travel expenses for participants who must travel to the filming location.

What is the fine for not diplaying two plates in Texas?

A fine not to exceed $200; however, a court may dismiss the charge if the defendant remedies the situation before the first court appearance and pays an administrative fee of not more than $10. (Transportation Code subsection 502.40)

What is the Maine executor fee?

There is no set Maine executor fee. It is up to the executor and the court to decide a reasonable amount for a fee.