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Q: How much is the p rice on right finger index amputation?
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How much Is your index finger in inches?

1-2 cm. depending how fat your fingers are

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You have too much time on your HANDS

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Make a circle shape with your them et index finger roughly that much

What is the cost of finger amputation surgery?

The cost of having one's finger removed - - presumably due to an accident or disease - - depends primarily on the location of the medical facility where the operation would take place (i.e., country, state or province, county, town, etc), what insurance the individual has (i.e., socialized, group, individual, etc), and how much of the finger is to be removed. Without such information, there is no way to give a single, simple, all-encompassing, answer.

How much air has to be pumped into a basketball?

Pump it until when you push your index and middle finger into it, it doesn't collapse in atall or very little.

What is the word TO in sign language?

You do this with your hands . . . .According to one online video, both hands are closed with the index fingers extended (pointing). Hold the left about chest height with the back of the hand outward and the index pointing up. With the right hand approximately under your chin and pointing forward, in a slight arc, bring the tip of the right index finger to the tip of the left index finger.A video is much simpler. Please see the links in the discussion area. Even the videos show slightly different variations.

How do aliens say goodbye?

Put up your hand and keep your ring finger and pinkie finger together. Your middle finger, index finger, and your thumb should be together, keeping the two sets apart from each other. That's how you say hello in alien language. Put up your hand and keep your ring finger and your middle finger together. Your pinkie finger, index finger, and thumb should be extended from the ring and middle finger, leaving them alone in the middle. That's how you say goodbye in alien language. Much obliged for y'all listening! Say hi to all of your fellow Nepturians.

How can you beat the salad game on wimpy wonderland you can't all right geez stupid foolish person?

You have to rapidly click to keep the salad down as Grandpa talks. You can try twiddling your mouse button with two fingers instead of one. Use your index finger and middle finger to strum the button - this is much faster.

Why does my right hand's thumb joint make cracking sounds when I move it It is swollen a bit and now my right arm throbs from my hand all the way to my shoulder.?

Mine is the same way, although I don't have the shoulder throbbing. My thumb cracks when I bend it, while pushing it against my index finger. In the morning or when I haven't used it much, it cracks just from bending it. If you figure this out, I'd be a happy guy, too! hahaha that's so funnie because my thumb cracks every time i bend it and i tryed putting it on my index finger and that made it crack tooo its annnoying