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The Philippines has a total land area of 299,404 square kilometers or approximately 30 million hectares. Around 33 percent of the total land area is arable. That translates to 9.3 million hectares of arable land. A hectare is 10,000 square meters.

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2mo ago

Approximately 26% of the total land area in the Philippines is arable, which amounts to around 9.7 million hectares. However, factors such as soil degradation and land conversion for development projects continue to pose challenges to sustainable agriculture in the country.

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Q: How much land in the Philippines is arable?
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What are the limited resources in the Philippines?

Some of the limited resources in the Philippines include clean water, arable land, and natural resources such as minerals and forests. The growing population and environmental degradation are putting pressure on these resources, leading to challenges in sustainability and development.

Is the physiologic density of Pakistan is greater than the arithmetic population density?

Physiologic density is the number of people per unit of arable land. In the case of Pakistan, the physiologic density is likely less than the arithmetic population density due to large areas of arid or non-arable land. This means that while Pakistan may have a high total population, much of it may be concentrated in areas with better access to arable land.

What are resources of the British Isles?

North sea oil and gas, coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land. The arable land part is not correct you cannot have arable land in the north sea. I believe it means those items were on land.

How big is Philippines compared to the US?

The Philippines is much smaller than the US in terms of land area. The Philippines is about 1/30th the size of the US. The US is approximately 9.8 million square kilometers, while the Philippines is about 300,000 square kilometers.

How long after a volcano erupts does the land become fertile again?

The volcanic dust spread over arable land enriches the soil because it contains minerals.

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Arable farmming is farmming done on arable land and arable land is land that is good for farmming. For example rocky, and sandy land is considered non arable land

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11.64% of the land in Japan is arable based on the world factbook.

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Can you give me sentence with the word arable?

Here are some sentences.The farmer bought arable land that he could grow crops on.The arable land was much better than the rocky slopes behind it.

How do you use the word arable in a sentence?

Thanks to drought, much of California's arable land currently lies fallow.