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Q: How much magnesium is there in beets?
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What red root vegetable starts with b?

The root portion of beets are red. They are also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and iron.

Can you eat carrots and beets everyday?

you can eat whatever you want but, the fact is how much you eat. you can but not to much. carrots are good for your eye sight and give your eyesight and give you a lot of nutrients same for beets. beets are very good for you just not everyday it takes away them anit-bodies in your metabolism and you need all your nutrients. just limit how much of carrots and beets you eat.

Side affects of too much magnesium citrate?

Magnesium citrate pulls water into the bowls. Too much magnesium citrate = many visits to the bathroom.

How much do sugar beets in Germany cost?

it depends if you smoke marijuana

What are the health benefit of beets?

Beets are very low in calories and fat. They're high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and unique plant derived anti-oxidants. The root is rich source of phytochemical compound, glycine betaine. Betaine lowers homocysteine levels within the blood. Raw beets are an excellent source of folate; however, extensive cooking may significantly reduce the level. Beets are also a rich source of B-complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) and minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Beets are also high in potassium.

Does Idaho grow sugar beets?

California grows sugar beets

What does magnesium plus oxygen produce?

Depends on how much i guess, but...magnesium oxide?

How much is a beets headphone?

Go to come on are u an idiot or something

Can sugar beets be turned into syrup?

Sugar beets can be turned into beet sugar

Can too much magnesium change the color of your stools?

can magnesium cause pale stools

Does the amount of magnesium ribbon burned affect how much magnesium oxide is produced?

Yes it does

In the reaction between magnesium and oxygen the mass of magnesium and oxygen was 2.5 grams how much magnesium oxide was formed?

340 grams