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Q: How much methodone do you need to take to be an opiate agonist?
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what steps need to be taken while coming off of an opiate?

Opiates are rather dangerous drugs to try to quit "cold turkey" because of the severity of withdrawals. If at all possible, try to visit a doctor and get prescription to a drug like methodone (talk to the doctor about what the best option is) to help with coming off of the opiates safely.

Is methadone more helpful for joint pain then oxycodone?

It all depends. Everyone is different. I have heard people that have had success with both medications for pain. It is all up to the individual and their own preference. Methadone and Oxycodone are different types of opiate drugs. Methadone is a very long lasting opiate but will not have as intense of a euphoric effect, which helps many people who need to function while on a pain-killer. Oxycodone is a much shorter acting and intense opiate. You will feel a much more euphoric effect and "high" than from methadone, but you will need more of the medication (multiple doses in a day).

How long do you wait to use herion after taking subs?

it depends, i know some people that will bang up right after takin a sub but me personally i need at least 2 full days after the last sub i took..its a bitch i know..i still try all the time.if u do enough ( and ur shooting) you'll get a rush if its good but that'llbe it

Can Prednisone help withdrawal opiates?

If you have decreased cortisol from long term opiode use, your adrenal gland has been affected and prednisone will help. You definitely need to do this under a Dr.s care since the combination of withdrawal symptoms and prednisone could cause a seizure if your adrenal gland is already functioning normally. Most Dr.s seem to just want you to suffer through it so you will learn your lesson,so it may not be an option. The only way to avoid severe withdrawal is a gradual tapering down. Most people cannot do this on their own. You need to get smaller and smaller prescriptions to be successful. Even then it is hard to avoid when you feel like crap and the pills are available. Go through it enough times and you will learn. Hopefully. Good luck.

IS caffeine an agonist or antagonist?

Caffeine is a stimulalant... but has effects on many, many nuero-transmitters and an antagonist of GABA which is why I need to wash Alprazolam down with it or have an immediate increase in anxiety.

Why is opiate detox an important first step?

Many drug addicts have a moment of clarity when they realize they are addicted and need help. Many of these addicts will not be able to overcome their need for the drug by themselves. Opiate detox centers combine the addict's desire to become better with the proper tools and support they need.

Can you take saboxen with codeine?

No. You are taking suboxone to treat addiction to things like codeine!If you are having cravings, you need to contact your addiction doctor and get some help instead of looking for a fix.

Will methadone help hydromorphone withdrawl symptoms?

I see these questions alot, but they just do not make any sense to me. If you are trying to get off an opiate, why would you take another opiate? The answer is NO. There is a reason why they give methadone at clinics to get off opiates and not hydrocodone and oxycodone. Oxycodone and hydrocodone half a much shorter half-life than methadone, therefore you need MORE of it to get similar effects. What makes methadone a great tool for opiate recovery is that it lasts so long and because the euphoric effects are much less than hydrocodone. Therefore you can take much less and manage it much more easily at a lower cost. If you take hydrocodone to lesson your methadone withdrawal, then you are only building a tolerance for hydrocodone that will cause withdrawal symptoms as well. Again, why would you take a drug for withdrawal symptoms that cause withdrawal itself? Methadone is the best choice for opiate detox. If you are experiencing withdrawal serious enough to make you think about taking another opiate you are either 1., not ready to detox, or 2., are not being decreased properly by your doctor or clinic manager. The normal decrease rate for methadone is 1-2mg a WEEK. Yes, it's slow, but very effective and will have little to no withdrawal symptoms. This is all from personal experience.

Does methadone show up as an opiate in a hair drug test?

No methadone does not come from the opium poppy. it is all synthetic and made in a lab. All it does is cover the opiate receptors in the brain. you need a whole other test for methadone. Suboxone may come up as an opiate in a hair test because it isn't all synthetic.

How does oxycotin show up on a drug test?

Absolutely! I took Oxycontin and had a drug test 4 days later and I came up clean. I think it can vary by how much you take, how long you have been taking it, and your size(height and weight).

Need to know if you can take hydrocodone safely while taking xanx for dental implants?

No... Never mix xanax with an opiate. Many people have overdosed on this combination.

How long do you need to wait to take suboxone after tramadol?

The rules of opiates and suboxone don't count for tramadol because tramadol IS NOT a narcotic! Many people choose to believe it is, and if it works for you as a substitute for your regular opiate medication then go with it, but know it is relieving your opiate addiction only mentally, not physically.