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Q: How much momentum does an object at rest have?
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Describe the momentum of objects at rest?

momentum is the tendency of an object to stay in motion or the force (energy) required to stop an objects motion. an object at rest (not moving) has no momentum.

What is mometum?

momentum is an object's tendency to remain in motion, or to remain at rest. momentum can also be described as the product of the mass and velocity of an object. "an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force"

How much momentum does an object have that is not moving?

If an object is at rest, it has no momentum because the formula for momentum is p = mv, where p= momentum, m = mass and v = velocity. If the object is at rest, then the velocity is zero, so p = m*0. therefore p = 0.

What is a example of a momentum of zero?

An object at rest. Actually that's the only possible example for a single object. For two objects, you can have objects moving in opposite directions; for example, one may have a momentum of +100 units, and the other, a momentum of -100 units.

What does an object have when moving that it doesn't at rest?

An object has kinetic energy when it is moving and not when it is at rest. When it is at rest it has potential energy.

When does an object have zero momentum?

If the net force on an object is zero, then the object is in equilibrium. This means there are balanced forces acting upon it, or none at all.

What is momentum the measure of?

If an object is at rest it has inertia, which has to be overcome to make it move. When an object is moving in a straight line at a constant speed it has momentum, which must be overcome to slow or stop the object

An object that has linear momentum must also have?

Momentum. The formula for kinetic energy is: KE = .5 * m *v^2 The formula for momentum is: p = m * v If an object has kinetic energy, then both mass and velocity are non-zero, which implies that the momentum is also non-zero.

How are momentum and interia related?

Momentum, specifically linear momentum, defined as:p = mvwhere p=momentum, m=mass and v=velocityis a vector quantity that describes an objects motion in a given frame.Inertia, or the Principle of Inertia, is an object's resistance to a change in velocity. It is pretty much summed up by Newton's First Law of motion, an object at rest/ in motion will continue at rest/ in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.Momentum and Inertia are related conceptually in the way that any object with mass has momentum, if its velocity is zero than its momentum is zero, and inertia is that objects resistance to a change in its velocity.

When ever an object is standing still the momentum is?

When an object is still it has no momentum. That is, the momentum is zero.

What are some true statements about momentum?

Momentum can be transferred from one object to another. Momentum can be slowed by an intervening object. Momentum can be hastened by an intervening object.

A small force acting on a human sized object causes?

The object will move if the net force amounts to a greater momentum than the force that is keeping that object at rest.