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I am wondering the same thing as well i am currently going through this now with my employer. I am being treated very wrongly and i feel it is due to learning i am preg. I had received a promotion before i was preg. and was supposed to have came with a pay increase. Even before the trial period the promotion went through my job title changed. However the raise i never got. they kept making excuses and i kept asking about it i have more job responsibilities along with supervising and doing my old job for the same pay. a few months went by and he said he put in for the raise but haven't heard anything back at this point i was still being patient because i am very dedicated to my job going above and beyond. then in march i discovered i was preg. i then began to be more resistant about getting what was promised but only to watch other people get promoted and actually get the pay raise..... now my thought was how is this possible i was well up for a raise and they couldn't seem to put it through but then promote other people up under me and give them way more money?

i am always dependable and as stated i go above and beyond to make sure my job or even everyone Else's is done. for what a favor?

not only am i preg. but i am the youngest female their along with the youngest supervisor they have so either way they are doing something wrong and it is not right i am seeking a lawyer now but am also wondering how much can you win.

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