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Q: How much money did jlo make for making the loreal commercial?
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Explain the difference between commercial and service sectors?

Commercial: a commercial service is where its main intention is to make money e.g McDonalds. Service: where things such as cafeterias are supplied and not for making money e.g. a hospital cafeteria or a prison cafteria

Can you make your pixie hollow fairy a logo?

I would think it's fine, as long as it's not official and it's not for commercial purposes (for making money).

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An expedition that you go on for a commercial reason, like to buy something or make make money.

When is a photograph considered commercial?

When it's used to make money, or promote a commercial endeavor.

What the difference between a commercially operated hospitality business and a non-commercial operation is?

Commercially means it has to make money, make a profit for someone. Non commercial doesn't have to make money.

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a bank shot in golf, the term "making bank" refers to making alot of money or a profit. A Bank is where you go to make tranfers, deposits, etc... anything on money.

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by making money

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To use money to make more money

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If you are thinking of making money make trillions

How much money do you make from making cheese?

you make about 300 pound i think

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Through fishing since Alaska has many commercial fishing industries. And if you have will and persistence, you can find a good job and make money.