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In the book "Bridge to Terabithia," Momma gives Brenda and Ella $5 each for school shopping. This purchase eventually leads to an argument between Brenda and Jess about sneaker brands.

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Q: How much money did momma give brenda and ella for school shopping in the book Bridge to terabithia?
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On Fridays, the high point for Jesse on Bridge to Terabithia is completing his week-long duty of bringing in milk for the class. He enjoys the responsibility and the feeling of accomplishment.

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In the middle of "Bridge to Terabithia," Leslie tragically dies trying to swing across the creek to Terabithia. This event deeply affects Jess, her best friend, and he must navigate his grief and come to terms with her loss.

Who is mr turner in Bridge to Terabithia?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," Mr. Turner is the music teacher at Lark Creek Elementary School. He is kind and supportive of Jesse Aarons' musical talents.

What was Jesse's goal for the summer in Bridge to Terabithia?

Jesse's goal for the summer in Bridge to Terabithia was to improve his running skills so he could compete in his school's race and hopefully win. He also wanted to escape from the challenges he faced at home and find friendship and adventure with Leslie.

Why was it a short week in the book Bridge to Terabithia chapter 4?

Chapter 4 in "Bridge to Terabithia" was a short week because it included a snow day in which all the students had the day off from school. This created a break in the normal routine, allowing Jess and Leslie to spend more time together exploring and building their friendship.

How do you describe about Jess on Bridge to Terabithia?

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