

How much money do pediatric oncologists earn?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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The salaries for pediatric oncologists are typically lower than those of adult oncologists for a number of reasons. First, there are far fewer pediatric oncologists in private practice compared to adult oncologists. This has to do with the fact that there are far fewer pediatric oncology patients compared to adult oncology patients. As such, most pediatric oncologists are affiliated with and/or employed by an academic medical center.

Depending on your role (clinical vs research) and your position (non-tenure track, assistant vs. assoc. vs. full professor), your salary will vary. Most of the entry salaries for the people I know coming out of fellowship are between $125-150k a year.

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How much does a pediatric oncologist make a year?

The median expected salary for a typical Physician - Hematology/Oncology in the United States is $232,908. The median expected salary for a typical Physician - Hematology/Oncology in the United States is $236,474 It depends if you are in Private practice or Research. In research Oncologists make roughly $200,000 but efficient Oncologists in private clinical practice make about $700,000-1,500,000 depending client base. Oncologists' salaries range based on area of specialty, according to the American Medical Group Association. Radiation oncologists, on average, earn $413, 518 annually; hematologists/medical oncologists earn, on average, $315,133 annually; pediatric oncologists, on average, earn $205,999 annually;

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