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if you are in USA you get paid $11 a hour

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Q: How much money do you get paid for being a banker?
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How much does a banker get paid?

A lot

How much does a banker get paid in a day?

They get paid in England £50,000 in a America $30,000.

How much money does an individual win?

45% of the amount that is being paid

A investment banker gets paid every week?

Yes,they do get paid every week though I don't no how much.

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How much does a banker get paid a year?

Where in the world? What sort of banking - retail, investment, industrial? How experienced? How good?

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I'm not sure if you're being funny or serious, but I'm pretty sure mermaids don't get paid

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It depends on who the money was paid to and how much money was paid.

How much money do you have to pay to be on a commercial?

Me being on the Coca-Cola commercial got paid 65 thousand