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According to the American Dental Association, the average general dentist made 185,000 in 2004, the average dental specialist made 315,000. See the related question.

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Q: How much money does a dentist earn a year in the United States?
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As much money as any other dentist.

Who can earn more a dentist or a civil engineer?

Dentist for sure...In Civil engg, to earn be a constructor manager or planner, else be a dentist ...they have heaps of money.

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workers and business perople in the united states earn more money... I think!!

How much money do dentist earn in a year?


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How much money does a dentist exactly earn?

about £2.00 a year

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How much money does a dentist earn in Oman?

The average amount of money a dentist earns in Oman is about $106K and ranging about $800-$40K.

How much money does a dentist earn in Wisconsin?

85000 depends on what kind of dentist there is also an orthadontist

Where does Italy gets most of their money?

Italy gets most of their money in places they sell stuff. For example they can sell stuff to China and earn lots of money, or to the United States and earn even more! , who knows?Important Fact: Also, most of the stuff that we buy in the United States are from China. The United States has a really big debt with China!

How much money does a dentist earn in 5 days?

It depends on how much patients come in 5 days....for abcess tooth dentist can earn $1500 each

How much money does a dentist earn a week?

The average is 550 an hour