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Q: How much money does a record label make?
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How much does a music studio engineer get paid?

Usually by the record label. But the money comes out of the band's pockets.

How much does a CEO of a record label make?

The CEO of an Indie or independent record label makes between $100,000 and $1 million per year plus bonuses. The CEO of a large record label can earn between $2 million and $10 million per year plus bonuses.

How do singers make money off their album?

From the sale of there CD's.... (not from illegal downloads.. lol ) Who ever said that is an idiot. Recording artists on major record labels usually make 10% and sometimes 15% of the retail sale price of their album. Sometimes a certain percent of that will be given to the producer of the record. The record label then takes 85 to 90% of each product sold, the label will then recoup the cost of the recording and production cost which they front to the artist. Artists on independent record labels can receive as much as 50% of the product sold at retail price. It isn't uncommon for artists to go into debt to their record label. CDs basically give the artist exposure and is not a revenue source. Artists make most of their money from touring and merchandise which the record label typically isn't involved.

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How much money does ti make per year?

He has an estimated net worth of about $10000000,000000,000000

How much money does Emma Watson make?

20,000,000$ she set a world record!

How much money does Paramore make?

$60k including merchandise. The real income goes to Hayley and Josh for use of their songs on the radio,TV and everywhere else. A percentage also goes to the record label. They don't earn anything if they're in debt.

How much do artist make when they record a single?

Nothing, it is the sales of the single that make the money not the act of recording. If the single is rubbish then nobody will purchase it and the artist will make no money.

How much does a Ceo of a record label makes?

The CEO of an Indie or independent record label makes between $100,000 and $1 million per year plus bonuses. The CEO of a large record label can earn between $2 million and $10 million per year plus bonuses.

How much do you get when you get sign to a record label?

you need to be seen by some one thaty is signed by that record label and they might think that you are good enough to be on their label like Justin bieber got signed to island def jams because usher founf him on youtube and said man i need to hear this kid in person and he was even better in person so he took him to meet the owner of island def jams and he was signed by usher to that label and then they will make an album with their record and go on from their

The responsibity of an A R in the music industry?

Typically the a&r is the middle man between the record label and the artist. They typically are the ones that will go out and scout for new artists. They have to be able to spot artists that can earn money for the record label. With the changes going on within the music industry, a lot of labels don't have an a&r rep because it costs too much. The other members of the label can find talent on their own without needing a specific person to do it all. For a large record label however, they will have a number of a&r reps looking for 'the next big thing'.

Why is the music industry generally negative about American political culture?

It is not so much the record labels that are dissatisfied with politics, rather it is the musicians who make their position known through their lyrics and thus when signed with a record label produce their music.