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Q: How much money does a school spend on electricity a day?
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How much money does an average person spend on electricity?

4 billion dollars a minute

How much money do schools spend on school uniforms?

It depends on how comfortable it is!

how much money do i spend?

How much money DO you spend?

How much money does the government spend on school lunches in one year?

9.8 billion

How much money do people spend a year on electricity bills?

Well, if you think about it each household is different. Some households have limited forms of electricity and others have as much as they want. So there is no set amount of money spent on electrical bills each year.

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How much spend money

Is there any limit to how much the government can spend?

yes they only have as much money as they get to spend, they can't spend extra money.

How much money do you spend on things?

As much as i can afford to spend

How much does an average household spend in electricity per week?

The average household in the USA spends around $110 per week on electricity. However, this amount can vary depending on factors like location, energy consumption habits, and household size.

How much money does a high school student spend on clothing?

your pathetic shut up ask a better question.... loser

How much money is earned by a fashion designer?

How much spend money

Where can I find home lights that do not use much electricity?

You can find home lights that do not use much electricity by goign to any walmart or home depot and look for love energy electric bulbs or if you want to spend more money there are more products there