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Veterinarians in the United States tend to be paid either biweekly or monthly. However, calculating back from the average annual salary for veterinarians in the United States in 2012 (~US$90,000), the daily wage tends to be ~$400.

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10y ago
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15y ago

it depends on your rank and time in service, but I will choose E-4 at 4 years of service for my example (an E-4 is the highest ranked non-NCO and most people end their 1st enlistment at this rank, and 4 years is what the average enlistment is) an E-4 at 4 years makes: 2,025.00 in base pay per month $323.87 in BAS (basic allowance for sustenance, and only received if you do not live in the dorms, if you do live in the dorms i believe you get like $13 but I don't have a concrete number sorry) BAH is dependant on your zip code, and whether or not you have a family. I will use my current BAH of $991 as an example that's with a family btw) this is a total of $3339.87 total per month income and $40078.44 per year I work 9 hours a day (we do get 1 hour for lunch although its seldom taken due to "mission constraints") but this doesn't count PT, which is an additional 3 hours per week for 48 hours total per week (2496 hours yearly) but this doesn't count exercises two a year at least of 4 days at a time 12-18 hour days that encompass the weekend (yearly hours now up to 2556). This puts the average hourly earnings at $15.68. However this is still leaving out several things that would affect the final numbers to include: deployments and TDYs (deployments are generally tax free and you get a few bonus allowances but work ridiculous hours) awesome education benefits but they only pay off if you use them free health care 30 days guaranteed paid vacation per year edit: after reading through this it seems I am being negative and that is not my intention, I wouldn't give up my job for one that paid twice as much the environment and life experiences are worth more to me than the money but not everyone sees things that way, should the military be comped more? I believe so but I'm still willing to do what needs to be done at my current pay.

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12y ago

It depends on what kind of work the vet is doing, and who they work for, and what kind of deal they made when they took the job. A vet in a city, working on mostly cats and dogs, fresh out of school, could probably count on making somewhere between $250-300 a day. In some cities, where it costs more to live, it would be more. In a small town, it might be less... even much less, because it's cheaper to live there. A vet with a specialty, like a surgeon, would make more, maybe even double that.

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15y ago

A vet makes about 50 to 60 dollars a day depending on how many people come in ,and 70,000 to 150,000 a year

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13y ago

Less than the average nurse.

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