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Q: How much money does canada spend importing goods from china?
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How does importing goods affect the amount of money in circulation?

When you import goods, you pay money to other countries. Less money remains in your country while more money goes to the foreign countries.

Why isn't trade export?

Trade is the exchange of goods for other goods, for money or other considerations. Export is trade with overseas countries which may include importing.

Where does the Cuban government spend their money?

The Cuban government spends most of their money on importing goods such as oil and food. It also spends a significant amount of money on relief programs for its citizens.

Why was the silk road inportant?

It helped because it caused more people to come to China and China got more goods and money from them.It helped because it caused more people to come to China and China got more goods and money from them.

How did the silk road help china grow?

More people came to China and China got more goods and money

What is China's money worth in Canada?

because they are poor and butts

How much money does china make exporting goods?

5 Trillion dollors

How do government taxation for consumption spending and importing goods for short term consumption affect economic growth?

Government taxation for consumption spending and importing goods for short-term consumption weakens the economic growth. An increase in imports results in a lower GDP and, consequently, economic loss as money is spent and funneled out of the country.

An increase in nominal GDP increases the demand for money because?

An increase in nominal GDP impacts the demand for money in different ways. It causes the need for money to increase as more US products are sold to different countries, the US dollar value increases on importing goods from other countries. More money is needed in circulation because more goods can be bought with the US dollar from other countries as it has more value than the currency of other countries in which we are importing from.

Does imports cost money?

Yes, they cost money or some equivalent form of payment agreed upon by the parties importing and exporting. Imports by definition are goods that a country pays for to bring in from a foreign country.

What money would you spend in Canada?

Since Canada has its own currency, the Canadain Dollar (CAD) would be used to purchase goods in Canada.

What is the main economic activity of Syria?

If your talking about Michael Jordan, most of his money now comes from Nike endorsement deals, and Hanes.