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The average American spends around $250-300 on junk food per year.

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Q: How much money does the average American spend on junk food per year?
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=I would say Food=

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How much does the average American spend per year?

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110$ BILLION a year.... the fast food business is taking over the world!!!!

How much does the average American spend on food in a year?

I dont know why don't you check?

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like 678 but good

Do teens spend too much on junk food?

yes because the average money that they spend a day is 5 to 10 dollars a day. if you times that by 365 days, that will be a lot. By 789654

How much money do people spend on food monthly in the United States?

My source claims that the average American spends 12.4% of their income, or $6,133 dollars a year, on food. That's about $511 a month. Source: see related link below for the source

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how much money will i spend on food in flint

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How does anyone spend there money? Food, shelter, cars!

What did the poor do with their money in Egypt?

They had to spend all their money on food.