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I found a web site that stated in 1994 it cost the US 19.2 Billion. Using the CPI calculator converting the cost to 2010 it came out to be 28.3 Bil on average.

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Q: How much money has tornadoes cost America in damage?
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What causes and effects do tornadoes make?

tornadoes do a lot of damage. it can leave people in devistation, cost a lot of money and kill people.

What state has the most money damage due to tornadoes?

Texas ranks number one in total number of tornadoes, tornado fatalities, tornado injuries, and damage in terms of monetary cost.

How much money does it cost to repair things after a tornado?

It varies widley. Some tornadoes cause no property damage and so there is no cost of repair. In many cases costs are in the tens of thousands to millions of dollars. In most destructive tornadoes costs have been in the billions.

What is the cost for a property during a tornado?

The cost of damage from a tornado varies widely depending on how strong it occurs, how big of an area it affects, and what it hits. Some tornadoes never affect property and cause damage only to trees, if they cause any damage at all. Shot-lived weak tornadoes often cause damage in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the other extreme, the worst tornadoes can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. A handful of tornadoes have caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

How much money does the US spend on tornado damage in a year?

In the past 5 years tornadoes in the U.S. have killed 744 people and caused over $15 billion dollars worth of damage. Most of this ocurred as a result of the devastating tornadoes of 2011, which claimed 553 lives and cost approximately $10 billion.

How much do the US have to pay for the damage the tornadoes made?

The tornadoes caused about $1.6 billion worth of damage in the U.S in an average year. This year though, the estimated cost of damage is over $20 billion).

How many millions of dollars of damage were caused by tornadoes in 2012?

The cost of damage from tornadoes in the United States in 2012 is $1.6 billion, or 1,600 million. Data for other countries is not available.

What is the average damage caused by a tornado?

Damage cost data for tornadoes is avilabale for the years 1996-2013. In this time period, there were about 22,500 tornadoes in the U.S. that caused a total of about $34 billion in damage (adjusted for inflation to 2014 values). This works out to an average damage cost of just over $1.5 million per tornado. Note, however, that this is higher than the cost of the typical tornado, as the average is skewed upward by rare but extremely costly tornadoes. For example about $10 billion of the total damage from this period was caused by 5 tornadoes. In other words, 0.02% of the tornadoes caused nearly 30% of the damage. If we remove these events from the data set, the average cost per tornado is reduced to between $1.0 million and $1.1 million.

How much is the most recent tornado worth?

As of January 15, 2013 the most recent tornadoes were on January 11 when 4 EF0 tornadoes struck Georgia and Virginia. So far, no estimate for the cost of damage is available. However, the cost of damage from any one of these will likely not exceed $100,000, as it is rare for tornadoes this weak.

What is the cost after a little tornado?

It varies. Many small, weak tornadoes touch down and never cause damage or only cause damage to trees, so there is no cost of damage. When weak (EF0 or EF1) tornadoes do hit property, damage is typically in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Costs may occasionally reach into the millions. However, not all small tornadoes are weak. A small but intense (EF3+) tornado striking a community can cause damage in the millions to tens of millions of dollars.

How much money can a tornado cost?

They are free, Nature gives them to us as a gift.In terms of damage caused a tornado can cost anywhere from nothing, if it simply tears across open country to hundreds of millions of dollars in the very worst cases. At least four tornadoes are known to have caused over $1 billion in damage. More may be included in this group if you adjust for inflation.tornadoes don't cost anything they just happen, but the cost of the damage might cost millions

What are the 3 most destructive tornadoes?

The three most destructive tornadoes on record are:The Joplin, Missouri tornado of May 22, 2011 with a damage cost of $2.8 billion.The Tuscaloosa-Birmingham, Alabama tornado of April 27, 2011 with a damage cost of $2.2 billion.The Moore, Oklahoma tornado of May 20, 2013 with damage estimated at $2 billion.