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The price of a romantic honeymoon varies no matter where a couple decides to take it. The cost of a honeymoon can be different based on things such as what hotel a person decides to stay at or what other kinds of activities a couple has in mind.

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Q: How much money is the average romantic honeymoon in the Seychelles?
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Can you have your honeymoon at home?

Yes, but it could be difficult deciding which home to have the wedding in if both homes are about the same size.

What is the cheapest way to honeymoon?

The best way to have a budget honeymoon is to set up a honeymoon gift list. Your friends and family all contribute to the overall cost instead of giving you wedding presents - they give you honeymoon presents instead.That way, you can still have your dream honeymoon without having to pay too much money. If you use you can go almost anywhere in the world.Also why don't you try some of the lesser known places? For example, there is an amazing resort in called Son Bou on Menorca in Spain. Its romantic and the beaches are so lovely. All there is to do is relax and get friendly!!

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What is a sentence that has two or more subjuects connected by the conjunctions ''and'' or ''or''?

This an example for you using the word "and" and the word "or" in one sentence. Jane and John can choose to go on a honeymoon to either Hawaii or the Bermudas since Jane's parents gave her the choice of getting money and a honeymoon for her wedding gift or a down payment on a house. Jane and John chose the money and the honeymoon because he owned a house already.

Where are the best Vegas honeymoon deals?

Checking websites such as travelocity, expedia and hotwire can save you money as you will be discounted for purchasing packaged deals. Many of these companies offer packages tailored for the scenarios at hand, in this case, a honeymoon.

Can you give money to your girlfriend for Valentine's Day?

Yeah, but it wouldn't be that romantic...

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You can tell where a man's heart is by where he spends his time and money.

In It's a Wonderful Life where did Mary and George go on their honeymoon?

In the film It's a Wonderful Life, George and Mary were supposed to go to Europe on their honeymoon. However, when George saw that there was a run on the bank, he used their vacation money to cover the debts in order to keep the Building and Loan operating. At the end of the day, George found Mary at their new home on Sycamore, where she had prepared a roast chicken dinner and their friends Ernie and Bert had put up posters in the windows of exotic destinations and then serenaded the newlyweds. So, they spent their honeymoon in Bedford Falls.

Can you get engaged married and honeymoon all in one place?

Yes! Many people do that to save money - especially with all-inclusive packages.