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A High- school graduate would make about $2,942 per year with a good job!

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Q: How much money will a high school graduate make a year?
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Because when you graduate college or high school your mom isn't going to make dinner for you.

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The minimum requirements to graduate from high school, is to have at least a 2.5 GPA. If you have any GPA lower than that, you will have to retake the classes to make up for it. How do I know this? I have been a high school teacher for more than 10 years.

What should you get as a present for a high school graduate?

- A car (if you can trust them) - Some money for COLLEGE (make sure that's what it is used for) - Something they like (a dog, cat, ferret) Hope I helped!

Can they make you graduate?

No, "they" - I'm guessing your school - cannot "make" you graduate.

How much will a high school graduate make?

not enough in these economy in order to succede one most go to college and stay in the same state to succede and leave a lot of financial money behind.

What is difference in salary difference between high school and college graduetes?

Uh a high school graduate completed highschool grades 9-12 and a college graduate has completed all years of college! What kind of question is this? there isn't very much difference between them except a college graduate makes more money a year, and they are more advanced than a high school graduate I'm not really sure what the difference are but well they ain't vewry different. from amber adkins

Are teens who get pregnant more likely to graduate from high school and college then those who wait?

No. School is hard work and children make it harder.

In 2005 the typical worker with a high school diploma made 6000 more than a typical high school dropout. Over the course of a lifetime this suggests that a high school graduate will make how much more?


In 2005 the typical worker with a high school diploma made 6000 more than a typical high school dropout Over the course of a lifetime this suggests that a high school graduate will make how much more?
