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Q: How much of a profit did Vasco De Gama make on his spices?
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What did vasco da gama do for his motives?

make trade with India

Where did vasco da gama make a landfall in 1498?


What did vasco da gama make?

he made lots and lots of.....MONEY

What discovery did Vasco da Gama make?

Vasco Da Gama was the first European to sail around Africa and go all the way to India.

What were some of vasco da gama's accomplishments?

He sailed four ships to India Vasco da Gama had several accomplishments to his name. The main achievement that he is remembered for is establishing a trade route from Portugal to India. He sailed around the tip of Africa all the way to India.

What food did Vasco Da Gama bring with him?

Many canned goods that he could easy make.

Which explorer reached India by sailing around Africa?

Vasco Da Gama was the first explorer to make a complete journey to India. He was Portugese and left in 1497 with three ships under his command. He sailed on the water for eleven months( versus three months for Columbus) when he finally made it to the Indian city of Calicut( not to be confused with Calcutta, which was the city's enemy at the time.

Did vasco da gama cause any problems when he went to Asia?

Vasco da Gama may have caused problems when he went to India. On the way, in the Middle East, he had to make many Muslims 'rest in peace', to get to the Indians. He had, in other words, made an international enemy...

What was Vasco da Gama looking for on his voyage to India?

i believe it was gold, spicies, and things he could make clothing items from

Did vasco da gama make any major mistakes?

yes, when he was an tennager and got married with a diffrent girl and not me his girlfriend.

How did vasco da gama world change?

he realy didnt change the world at all all he did was make the route to India faster.


They could trade and get water, Fish, and spices for their families