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you would need a space suit....

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Q: How much of a thick layer of clothes would you need on mars?
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What layer in earth is 3500 km thick?

The Core of Mars http:/

Is mars covered with a layer of red dust?

if you are think sand would be a layer yes mars is covered with red sand

Is Mars thick or thin then earth?

Mars is thick to earth

What would sun look like from mars?

On Mars, there is a thick layer of red clouds, filled with nitric acid. you probably couldnt see the sun through the clouds. but if there was a time with no clouds, it would look almost identical to the way we see it on Earth. Slightly smaller, since it Mars is farther away from the sun than Earth, but it would still be yellow and it would hurt you eyes to look at it.

Is Mars thick or thin?

Mars is thin

Is there a ozone layer on Mars?

No there is no ozone layer on mars. It is because of no proper oxygen there.

What type of clothes would people wear on mars if there is oxygen?

People would still need to wear a pressure suit, because the air pressure on Mars is far too low to support human life. Also, the average temperature on Mars is -63° C (-81° F). And people would need to keep themselves shielded from the sun, because Mars does not have a magnetic field or an ozone layer, which protect Earth from most harmful solar radiation.

Why would it not be possible to breath on Mars?

The earth has a very thin layer of life-sustaining gasses (known as the atmosphere) surrounding it, mars does not.

There may be liquid water under a thick layer of ice?

The other person who answered this said Mars. This could be true on Mars's north and south pole, but its not entirely covered in ice. Ceres, the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, and Europa, a jovian moon, may possess the qualities you included in your questions.

Does mars have an ozone layer in its atmosphere?

No mars doesn't have an ozone layer. It is because it doesn't have oxygen which can form ozone.

What clothing would you take to mars?

very warm clothing

What planet has no layer of ozone?

Mars has no ozone layer. It has no atmosphere.