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Q: How much of earth is covered by mountains?
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How much is Korea covered by mountains?

it is covered 1/4 of korea

How much of earth is covered by land?

30.2% of Earth is covered by land

How much of the earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

71% of the earth is covered in Hydrosphere.

Approximately how much of earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

75% of Earth is covered by the Hydrosphere

How much area of earth is covered by water?

71% of the earth is covered by water

What percentage of the earth's countries have mountains in them?

The surface of the earth is covered by water for the most part. However, there are countries on many of the earth's landmasses. The percentage of countries that have mountains in them is approximately 30 percent.

How much area of world is covered with mountains?

Approximately 20-25% of the Earth's surface is covered by mountains. This includes ranges such as the Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, and Alps.

How do mountains or craters on the surfaces of the earth and the moon compare with each other?

The biggest difference is the craters on the moon erode at a much slower rate. Here on earth, it takes a few thousand years for a crater to fill in and become not much more than a valley. On the moon, the craters last until ejecta from newer craters fills the holes of the older craters. The mountains of the earth are covered with snow and below the timberline lie trees. There is no snow or trees on the moon. The mountains on the moon look a lot sharper and the rocks stand out because they're not covered in dust. The lunar mountains look much rounder and the entire surface of the moon is covered in a very thin layer of dust.

How much of the earth's surface is covered by Hydrosphere?

71% of the earth is covered in Hydrosphere.

How much water is on land is that why theres mountains under water?

There are approximately 326 million trillion gallons of water on the Earth. Water is a constant moving cycle and there is a lot of it on the Earth. The mountains under water are just land masses that have been covered by the water.

How many mountains are there on earth?

There are no exact amount if mountains on Earth. Some are even forming now, so you wouldn't now how much mountains there are on Earth.

How much percentage of the earth is covered by the hydrosphere?

75% or 3/4 of the earth is covered by hydrosphere