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Q: How much of the earths air is poluted?
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What is the average weather like in Beijing all year round?

smoggy with poluted air smoggy with poluted air

Most poluted city in the world?

It is said Jacksonville is the city most air poluted.

Is it possible that the air on earth will run out?

yes it will if the air is poluted.

How is the air pollution in Lanzhou China?

very poluted

Most poluted countryin terms of air?

USA or China for sure.

How does air pollution work with our earth?

It makes our earth mor poluted.

Is mount everests air poluted?

No, the air around Mount Everest is not polluted, there is nothing there to cause any pollution.

Why is the air less pollution in antarctica?

The air in Antarctica is less poluted because there arn't cities and cars and things that pollute the air.

Why do so many peole live in China?

because they have herd that it has the fastest technology and is poluted in the air.

How does the earth get poluted?

the earth gets poluted when you fart departed because this is bad for the earth as it smells!

Where is earth air the thinnest?

the earths thinnist air is Uganda

What is good air?

good air is air that doesnt come from any maschine or vechical or air that is not man made or poluted air or smelly air and air that passes through engien and last of all air is good for you if it is clean and if that air does not come from a dirty place.