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Q: How much of the sample volume is comprised of minerals?
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Is volume a measure of how much space a sample of matter takes up?

Yes. volume is a measure of how much space a sample of matter takes up!

How could you figure out the volume of a rock that has broken and chipped edges?

Drop it in water. Fill a graduated cyllinder with water to cover the sample and record the volume. Then gently lower the rock sample into the water and record how much the water rose. The difference is the volume of the rock. Drop it in water. Fill a graduated cyllinder with water to cover the sample and record the volume. Then gently lower the rock sample into the water and record how much the water rose. The difference is the volume of the rock.

Measurement of the amount of space that matter occupies?

Volume is a measure of how much space a sample of matter occupies. the SI unit of volume is m3 .

How much greater is the volume of a cube when the length of each edge is multiplied by 5?

Sample A: cube of side 2, volume 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 Sample B: cube of side 10, volume 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 Volume has increased by a factor of 125 ie 53 which is what we would expect.

How can C-14 be used to date other minerals?

C-14 decays consistently over time, by estimating how much was in the sample to begin with and comparing it to how much is there now we can calculate how old the sample is. We can get good estimates for how much C-14 was there before by comparing samples dated by other methods

Does density depend on how much sample you use?

Density is independent of the amount of material in a sample. A sample of a homogeneous substance used to find the density can have any volume. If a cm3 of the substance weighs 8.1 grams, then 10 cm3 will weigh 81.0 grams.We might consider water in a glass or bottle as an example. A small sample will have a given weight (mass) because water has a given density. Ten times that sample volume will have ten times the mass of that volume of water. The density of water does not change if we examine water in a small glass and another sample of the same water in a gallon jug.

Why is volume not always a good way to measure how much mater you have?

Yes, volume is an unreliable measure of the quantity of matter as the same material can have different densities, but the same volume. For example, 1L of ice, water, and steam all contain the same volume of water, but the number of atoms in that volume can vary.

How much does chlorine weigh in pounds?

Chlorine has a density of 3.2 g/L. So it really depends on how much you have. If you know the volume of your sample you can calculate the weight.

What hapens to the density if both the volume and mass are doubled?

If you double the volume of a sample ... scoop up twice as much of it ... the mass of the sample always doubles. But the density of the substance doesn't change. Think about it: The density of some water out of my dog's water bowl is the same as the density of some water out of Lake Michigan.

How do you find density of a rock?

The simplest way is to use the formula: P = m / V Density = mass / volume So to calculate the denisty of the rock you will have to find out how much it weighs and how much volume it occupies. You can measure the weight by placing the rock on a weighing scale, this will give the weight in grams. You can determine the volume by submerging the rock in a measuring cup partially filled with water and measuring how much the volume increases. This will give the volume in cm3 Now use the formula to calculate its density in g/cm3.

How much cm3 would a 55.932 g sample of copper occupy if it has a density of 8.92 gcm3?

volume =mass/ density volume = 55.932/8.92 = 6.27 cm3

What is the least loading volume for western blot?

Least loading can be about 2-5 microliters. It is normally depends on the size of the well you make on the gel. And it doesnt matter you add how much because how much concentrated is crucial for loading. adding 2ul of 10X sample is equal to loading 20ul of 1X sample.