

Best Answer

The correct answer is C

A) 20-30%

B) 30-40%

C) 40-50%

D )50-60%

E) 60-70%

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Q: How much of the total body weight of the average adult is muscle tissue?
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Related questions

What percentage of human body weight is voluntary muscle?

An average adult male is made up of 42% voluntary muscle, an average adult female is made up of 36% voluntary muscle (in terms of total body mass).

The weight of the average guinea pig?

The average weight of and adult male is: 3 Pounds The average weight of and adult female is: 2 Pounds

How long and weight of a killer whale?

Average Weight: (Adult) 2.6-9 tons. Average Length: (Adult) 18-32 ft.

What are the four main types of tissue?

Four adult primary types of tissues form the "fabric" of the human organism:1. epithelial tissues (ET; covering/lining)2. connective tissues (CT; support)3. muscle tissues (MT; movement)4. nervous tissues (NT; control).

What is the average weight of an adult polar bear?

approximately 650kg on average

What is the average weight of an adult stingray?

12 pounds

What is the average weight of an adult's skin?

6 lbs

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150 pounds

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What is the Adult male chimp weight?

50-110 pounds is a average adult chimp.

What are the four primary tissues in adult organ?

Epithelial Tissue- this tissue covers any bodily surface including organs, body cavities, and glands. There are subcategories of Epithelial Tissue, which are Squamous (pavement) , Simple Columnar, Simple Cuboidal, Glandular, Stratified, and Ciliated Columnar. The main functions of epithelial tissue are sensation, absorption, protection, cleaning, reduction of friction, excretion, diffusion, and secretion. Connective Tissue- this tissue forms blood, cartilage, and bone. It is classified into dense connective, loose connective, reticular, elastic, and adipose. Muscle- contractile tissue that causes movement in an organism as well as internal functions. The three types of muscle tissue are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Nervous Tissue- this tissue is responsible for sending and receiving messages from muscle tissue to the brain. Nervous tissue is composed of neurons.