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Let's calculate Breaths per minute say 15 Liters per breath about 1 so oxygen per breath about 0.2 liters. 15 X 60 (mins a hour) X 24 (hours a day) X 365 (days a year) = about 8,000,000 X 0.2 liters (ratio of oxygen in air) = 2,000,000 liters of oxygen Oxygen gas weighs about 1 gram per liter so in a year you breathe in about 2 tons of oxygen. These are all estimates but i think the answer will be within about 25%.

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Do you mean natural gas, liquid propane gas, or gasoline ?

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10y ago
No idea -BUT you consume a minimum of 250 cc (A cup full) every minute.
So - 250 cc x 60 min x 24 hours gives 360 liters per day
or at least 131,400 liters per year
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Q: How much oxygen does one person use per year?
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