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This value is 0,043 g oxygen (for the water hydrolysis).

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Q: How much oxygen is produced if 60 ml of hydrogen is generated?
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In an electrolysis of water what produces more gas hydrogen or oxygen?

As each water molecule contains one atom of Oxygen and two atoms of Hydrogen you would expect electrolysis of water to produce twice as much Hydrogen as Oxygen.

Why is oxygen gas produced from the decomposition of H2O2 and not hydrogen gas?

Hydrogen has a much lower attraction for electrons than oxygen does (or in more technical terms, oxygen has a much higher electronegativity). So when hydrogen gives up an electron to oxygen, it creates a strong chemical bond (although not an ionic bond; hydrogen's electronegativity is too high for that). When hydrogen peroxide gives up excess oxygen, the hydrogen remains bonded to the remaining oxygen (since hydrogen peroxide becomes water, H2O). If instead the hydrogen peroxide were to give up hydrogen, you would lose the powerful bond between hydrogen and oxygen, and all you would get in exchange would be a much weaker bond between hydrogen atoms and other hydrogen atoms, in the diatomic hydrogen molecule. Chemical reactions move in the direction of the strongest available bonds.

Hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and energy Assume 1 kg of fuel is used and the mass of the water produced is 1.10 x 10-11 kg How much energy is produced by this fuel?

do the math

Is there much oxygen and hydrogen in the air?

Air contains abundant oxygen and trace amounts of hydrogen.

What provides much of our oxygen?

Hemoglobin present inside the RBCs provides oxygen to the tissues when the RBCs reach them via the capillaries

Why is the volume of gas collected twice of the volume of other gas when electric current is passed through water?

When an electric current is passed through water, it undergoes electrolysis, which breaks water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen gas produced is 2:1, meaning that for every two volumes of hydrogen gas collected, one volume of oxygen gas is collected. Therefore, the volume of gas collected is twice as much for hydrogen compared to oxygen gas.

How much hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen are in carbon?

None. Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon are all elements. Elements do not contain other elements.

How much hydrogen and oxygen does water have?

Each molecule of water contains one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.

Why is atomic hydrogen reactive than nascent hydrogen?

nascent hydrogen is much more reactive than ordinary hydrogen because it is produced in situ,itmeans that as it is produced it is consumed in another reaction. It is unstable that is why much more reactive than atomic hydrogen.

Why atomic hydrogen is more reactive than nascent hydrogen?

nascent hydrogen is much more reactive than ordinary hydrogen because it is produced in situ,itmeans that as it is produced it is consumed in another reaction. It is unstable that is why much more reactive than atomic hydrogen.

How much oxygen do phytoplakton produce?

About 60% of our oxygen is produced by phytoplakton.

How did Antoine create oxygen and hydrogen?

No. He discovered hydrogen and oxygen, but those elements have been around since pretty much the beginning of the universe.