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Oxygen---------- 4-5 %

Carbon dioxide---------- 20%

Nitrogen--------- 75%

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Q: How much oxygen nitrogen carbon dioxide is there in the air you breathe out?
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The air that you mostly breathe is oxygen carbon dioxide ozone or nitrogen?

The air that we breathe in 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases. We only need the oxygen though, so we breathe out the other gases with the carbon dioxide that our body produces during respiration. So to answer your question, it is nitrogen, but we breathe it in and then out- we don't use it. The only gas we use is oxygen to breathe.

Do you breathe mostly carbon dioxide?

No, air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with very very little carbon dioxide (less than 1%)What you exhale is mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and some carbon dioxide.

How oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the blood?

Mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Breathe-in is to oxygen as breathe-out is to?

Carbon Dioxide. Actually you breathe in 78% Nitrogen so... Breathe in is to all sorts of gases.

What do you breathe in and what do you breathe out?

Oxygen in, Carbon Dioxide out.Another answerBreathing breathes in the atmosphere: not the whole atmosphere obviously, but its composition. Breathing in occurs because of the necessity of oxygen-entrance and breathing out occurs because of the necessity of carbon dioxide-exit.The air consists of 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen and 0.04% carbon dioxide and equally tiny percentages of other gases. We breathe in this 79% nitrogen and breathe out an equal percentage. We breathe in 21% oxygen and breathe out 16% oxygen. We breathe in 0.04% carbon dioxide and breathe out 4-5% carbon dioxide.

Do cows breath out oxygen?

Yes, but in the form of carbon dioxide, with contains two atoms of oxygen and one of carbon. Cows don't breathe out the pure form of oxygen; they breathe in oxygen as well as nitrogen from the atmosphere.

Where do lugs get oxygen and release carbon dioxide to?

when you breathe in, you breathe in oxygen and when you breathe out, its carbon dioxide

What 8 gasses are in the air you breathe?

hydrogen,nitrogen,neon,oxygen,carbon dioxide,

Do you breathe in oxygen?

Yes you do. See we breathe in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants are the opposite. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. We give them carbon dioxide and they give us oxygen!! That's how we breathe!!!!!!!

What kind of gaseous mixtures are in air?

Air is primarily composed of nitrogen (approximately 78%) and oxygen (approximately 21%), with smaller amounts of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and trace gases like neon and helium. Water vapor is also present in varying amounts depending on the humidity level.

What do plants use that consumers breathe out?

We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants take in this carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which we use after that.

What gas do people breath in and what do they breath out?

People breathe in oxygen, which is essential for our body to function properly. They breathe out carbon dioxide, which is a waste product generated by the body's cells during the process of converting nutrients into energy.