

How much paper is throwed away in a month?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

Best Answer
  • I do not know exactly but in know over a billion of paper is thrown away each day

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The average school wastes aproximately 99% of paper each week.

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Styrofoam cups last in the landfill for hundreds of years. Paper cups break down much faster. Paper would only last for a month.

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It depends on how often you have the truck come by to pick up paper. Ours comes to the office 2 times a month and picks up 3 large bins and it costs around 250.00 per month.

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the average paper boy should make 142$ a month for 30 homes

How much paper gets wasted or thrown away every year?

Approximately 35% of all waste in landfills consists of paper and cardboard. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average American uses about 700 pounds of paper each year, contributing to high levels of paper waste. Recycling efforts have helped reduce the amount of paper being thrown away, but there is still significant room for improvement.