

How much pawn a Glock 47 for?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Their is no such thing as a Glock 47. Their is no model number 47, nor is their a caliber 47. Their isn't even a slang Glock 47. If you have no idea about the firearm, you are obviously way too dangerous to be around it, and the fact that you are trying to pawn it suggests that you are going to handle (to at least get it to the pawn shop) it. Also the fact that you don't know what kind of fire arm it is suggests that you did not legally come into possession of the fire arm. If you did, most likely you would either have it registered and have the paperwork with the model number and what caliber it is on it, or if you are in a state that does not have pistol registration, then you should at a minimum you would have a receipt which would also list that information. I highly suggest that you call your local police department immediately letting them know that you wish to anonymously turn in a fire arm. And ask them to pick it up, so you don't have to handle it, as you may hurt or kill yourself or a loved one, or break further laws by transporting it. By anonymously turning it in, in most jurisdictions (you can ask them on the phone before telling them you are in possession of said firearm) you are absolved of any liability, and they wont even ask your name, or record your information. This is the route you should take, and I suggest. If you are caught with an illegal pistol it is a felony in most states, even if you are illegally in possession of a LEGAL pistol it is a felony in most states. So I would turn in your "Glock 47". Please take my advice, I can see from your grammar in your one sentence question that you most likely do not want to take my advise, but it is better then 5-20 years in prison.

***I am not a lawyer***

As always, even if a fire arm is not loaded, and you "know" it is not loaded, IT IS ALWAYS LOADED!!!

Also I will add that if you used a home computer or personal cell phone the BATFE can trace your IP address and get a warrant to search your home, although that takes time, so I suggest you take my advice and contact your local law enforcement agency and have them pick up this pistol NOW!

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