

How much penicillin do you give to a 30 pound puppy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How much penicillin do you give to a 30 pound puppy?
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How much penicillin do you give your 3 month old puppy?

You give the exact amount prescribed by your veterinarian. If your veterinarian has not prescribed penicillin for your puppy, you should not give any to your puppy. Penicillin is a drug with known side effects, including severe gastrointestinal bacterial infections from killing off the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

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You must go by the weight of the puppy to determine how much is given. Probably less than half of a cc.

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Take your dog to a vet for proper care.

Can a 10 pound chihuahua have penicillin and how much?

Take your dog to a vet for proper care.

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Give your puppy 1ml of Fenbendazole for every 2.2 lbs of body weight. That's 8ml if he/she is 8.8 to 17.6 lbs. Mix the dose in the food right before he/she eats or give it orally after the puppy has eaten.If you're using the powdered form, use the 2 gram packet to treat a 15-pound dog or puppy (assuming your puppy is older than 6 weeks of age).

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Please DO NOT give a puppy human medication. It can harm the puppy.

How much pencillin can you give a 15 pound dog?

Assuming you have the penicillin G procaine you give 20,000 units per kg. in a 15# dog this would 6.8 (changing pounds into kg) multiplied by 20,000= 136,000 units

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None, what is wrong with puppy?

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ask your vet first, but from what I heard, it's 2-4 mg for each pound your puppy weighs of children's gravol

What is a daily dose of penicillin for a puppy?

depends on how strong the antibiotic is, how much your dog weighs, and what it is for. Best bet is to consult your vet.

How much do u feed yourself?

im 1 pond of course ima puppy

How much injectable penicillin do you give a 15 pound miniature pinscher?

It is always best to take your pet into the Veterinarian and have them checked up. How do you know penicillin is the treatment of choice? It could possibly kill your pet if they have an allergic reaction. They may also have a sickness that calls for a different type of antibiotic. That is why it is necessary to take your pet into your Vet to have it accurately diagnosed