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Q: How much people uses the Internet that is wrong to many people?
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Don't some people like the internet too much?

Yes, some people like internet too much.

How many secret codes can you have in all on pixie hollow?

It not much. When you see it on internet you will thought it will work all of them. But it was wrong. It only fews of them. When it online isn't meant it true.

What are the tools for using internet?

There are many tools that can be used to get around on the internet. There are many devices such as computers, tablet pc's, cell phones and hand held computers that can be used to use the internet. Many tools online to use the internet are search engines to find things, chat programs to talk to people, email programs to write to people and much more.

How many time people search the internet daily in US?

Too much! I guess about 10 times daily

What is wrong with people and their foot fetishes?

Nothing much, but people are frequently creeped out by them.

How much does internet influence your life?

It influences your life a great deal! On the internet, people meet new people that they have never seen, nor spoke to. They feel they are accepted by these people 1- because these people are nice to them 2- if people are not comfterble with their bodies,these people cant see them and 3 there is so much crap on the internet that anyone can get there hands on. People are killed, bullied, and some people become obsessed over internet.

How big is the Internet?

The Internet is hugeThe internet is huge. There are many many websites. As much as you can imagine. Over 1,000,000. In May 2009, the Internet is estimated to contain about five hundred BILLION gigabytes of data. That's about 162 exabytes 163,840,000,000,000,000,000 byes.

Why do people worry about life so much?

Because there is so much that can go wrong.

Why do people use the internet so much?

Well for many reason to reconnect with family friends or look for work orsimply other stuff

How much of the worlds population use the internet?

5.2 billion people

How much of the world is coverd in internet?

99.6% the rest is old people

Why do so many people ask so many questions in the WikiAnswers site?

mainly because most people does not have the skills or knowledge on how to find information in the internet. I as a contributor base most my answers on information found in the internet. so basicly beguiners need to familiarise with searching tools for the much needed information they seek. Extricating data from the internet is simple and fun.