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glucouse ( a simple sugar!)

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Q: How much photosynthesis does a plant need to produce in order to survive?
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Related questions

Why does a plant need both photosynthesis and respiration to survive?

A plant needs photosynthesis to produce food in the form of sugar's. A plant needs respiration to break down in order to release energy stored in the sugar's.

What does the chloroplast do on a plant?

It is making food. It named as photosynthesis.

What do chloroplast do in a plant?

They are photosynthetic sites. They produce food for plant

What plant is needed for photosynthesis?

The question makes no sense. Plants require water, sunlight and carbon dioxide in order to produce glucose through photosynthesis

What are the plants that produce lumber?

a photosynthesis plant

What does photosynthesis allow a plant to produce?


Is pitcher plant do photosynthesis?

pitcher plants can photosynthesis, any green part of a plant can photosynthesis. pitcherplants though cannot photosynthesis enough to survive and have adapted to digest small organosms instead.

Does a plant need to carry out photosynthesis to survive?

yes plants need photosynthesis to survive, plants make their own food in the form of sugars

What product does the plant produce in the photosynthesis process that the plant uses?

In the photosynthesis process, water combines with CO2 to create sugars

How do plants produce their food?

Plants use a process called photosynthesis that allows them to convert sunlight into energy so that they can survive. This process is done within the leaves of a plant.

What do a chloroplast do in plant cell?

chloroplasts give plants a very important nutrient called photosynthesis which enables the plant to get energry from the sun in order to obtain food and water to survive.

Why is the formula of photosynthesis important to you?

If u are a plant then u need it to survive