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i cannot say as that depends on the details of its design, which vary significantly from bomb to bomb. however i can say that energy release and power generated are both directly proportional to yield.

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Q: How much power does a atomic bomb create?
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How much destruction is an atomic bomb capable of?

An atomic weapon unleashes the power of the sun.

How much power did the atomic bomb have?

The atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had an explosive yield equivalent to approximately 15 kilotons of TNT. This explosion resulted in massive destruction and loss of life in the city.

What does an atomic bomb use for its exploding power?

That depends, an atomic weapon from WWII was armed with plutonium 239, bombs now use a more dangerous Uranium armament. In order to use the bomb, a smaller explosion much trigger a chain reaction explosion in order to create, for lack of better terms, a "big bang".

How much heat can an atomic bomb create?

An atomic bomb can release heat equivalent to temperatures reaching millions of degrees Celsius within the detonation zone. The massive amount of energy released during a nuclear explosion can result in extreme temperatures capable of vaporizing almost anything within the blast radius.

Did the radiation improve in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bomb?

Yes, the radiation was much more abundant after the atomic bomb.

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Approximately a trillion years. And most people don't live that long.

atomic bomb?

much more powerful than other bomb ,also called a neuclear bomb

How much energy does an atomic bomb produce?


How much did the atomic bomb in nagasaki kill?


How much do atomic bombs weigh?

The weight of an atomic bomb can vary depending on its design and yield. However, typical weights for atomic bombs used during World War II range from around 4,000 to 10,000 pounds.

How much heat in kilojoules happens in an atomic bomb?

100,000,000 kilojoules

How much destruction did the atomic bomb do to Japan?

alot alot alot