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Q: How much power was used by the transmitter on the Voyager spacecraft to communicate with Earth?
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What is the name of the spacecraft that was sent into space with information about Earth?

the voyager and voyager2

What travels in deep space gathers information and returns to earth?

Spacecraft like the Voyager.

Wich spacecraft sent many images of uranus back to earth?

Voyager 2 :) Continue your homework

Which man-made object is presently farthest away from the earth Is it the hubble satelite?

The farthest man-made object from Earth is Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was launched by NASA in 1977. It has since traveled beyond our solar system and continues to transmit data back to Earth. Hubble Space Telescope is in low Earth orbit and not as far from Earth as Voyager 1.

Is a voyager spacecraft faster than a space shuttle?

Yes, both Voyager spacecraft travel much faster than the space shuttle. The space shuttle only needs to travel about 5 miles per second to achieve Low-Earth-Orbit. Voyager 1 travels at over 10 miles per second.

Will all space crafts return to earth?

No. It is highly unlikely that all spacecraft will be returned to Earth. With the development of the VASIMR engine, it is possible that we could indeed intercept the Voyager spacecraft and bring them back for museum exhibit, but right now it is most likely that many spacecraft are gone for good.

The space craft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970's?

That was the Voyager I and II spacecraft. Voyager I is 10 billion miles away from the sun (the Earth is only ~93 million miles from the sun and Pluto is 3.67 billion miles). A radio signal from Voyager takes ~15 hours to reach Earth.

What spacecraft visited the planet Jupiter?

Some spacecraft that have visited Jupiter include the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft, the Galileo spacecraft, and the Juno spacecraft. These missions have provided valuable data and images of Jupiter and its moons, helping scientists to better understand the planet.

What is the longest distance a spacecraft has traveled?

Voyager I and Voyager II, launched in 1977 have flown to the edge of our solar system. As of February 2009, Voyager I is about 10 billion miles (10,000,000,000) from the sun.

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is currently about 18.5 billion km from the Earth. How long does it take in seconds for a radio signal to get from Voyager 1 to Earth?

That distance you gave is nearly 200 astronomical units so if that is right the time would be 8 minutes times 200, which is 26½ hours.

When was Neptune last visited?

Neptune was last visited by a spacecraft in 1989 during the Voyager 2 mission. Voyager 2 passed by Neptune and its moon Triton, providing valuable data and images of the distant planet. No spacecraft has visited Neptune since then.

How long does it take a radio signal from the Voyager spacecraft to reach Earth if the distance between Voyager and Earth is 4.16 109 km?

The speed of light is about 300,000 km/sec. Just divide the distance by the speed of light. The answer will be in seconds; divide by 60 to get minutes, by 3600 to get hours, or by 86400 to get days.