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Q: How much power will a 10kw wind generator produce?
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How many electronics can be powered by one generator?

it depends on the power production capabilities of the generator, and the power usage of the electronic applications...this power is measured in Watts, usually just W, and all the parts should have the relative information on how much Watts they use/produce

What is the difference between a commercial power generator and a regular power generator?

The difference between a commercial power generator and a regular power generator is that a commercial one is much expensive than the regular one. It's much better to purchase the regular generator if your not planning to use it for business purposes.

What are the difference between huge power generators found in power station and a simple bicycle generator?

Bicicle generators do not produce the same power out (usually much less) it would take hours to do what a large generator can create at any moment for long periods of time

How much power a generator of 14 kilowatts produce?

I work on pools , BUT don't take me lightly , I know alot about my generators , I have 3 back at home . I have a 1000009 GW generator that I found in a field , I use it alot for powering my kettle , Thats all I can pretty much power ... Its not that powerful to be honest .

Is generator power better than my normal electric power?

Your normal electric power is made to power all of your household. A generator requires much more maintenance, so if you have the option of using normal electric power, there is much less hassle. The generator can be kept for emergencies.

How much wind is needed to produce 12volt dc?

It's not the amount of wind, but the design of the generator, that decides what voltage is produced. The amount of wind will determine the power produced.

What is the price range when purchasing a power generator?

The price range when purchasing a power generator depends a great deal on the size of a generator. A small generator for the garage can be purchased for $100.00 while a large industrial generator can cost as much as $30,000.00.

Is an electric power generator safer than a natural gas powered generator?

You can purchase an electric power generator, but it won't do you much good if the electric goes out. A kerosene or deisel generator would be a better choice.

Can a 6 watt dc generator produce that much electricity which can be used to run a 3 phase and a 2 phase motor?

"2 phase" and "3 phase" are descriptions of AC supplies, which no DC generator can imitate, regardless of its power rating.

What form of electricity comes out of a Wave Generator?

It depends on how the generator is set up. Some will produce DC (Direct Current) and others will produce AC (Alternating Current). Where possible AC electricity will be produced as it runs through the grid without much loss of power.

Importance of load characteristics of a generator?

I assume this is asking about the capability curve of a generator. A generator can only produce so much actual power (kW) at a specific power factor. As power factor changes, the amount of current flowing that is due to reactive power will also change. The total current Ix (reactive power) + Ir (real power) will cause heating in the generator, and so the generator can only kick out so much current, be it real power or reactive power. Reactive power is used to control the voltage (drag it down, or push it up) and change phase angles to push more power down specific lines. If the load on a generator is such that it's expected to generate power outside its' capability curve, terminal voltage may begin to sag (which will cause the generator output power to be less, potentially exacerbating the problem), or may float too high (potentially damaging equipment). Excessive heating in the generator can also result, and protective devices may kick in to trip the generator off line.

How much can you power on a 1600 generator?

If the 1600 represents 1600 watts like most generator numbers do, then the generator can deliver enough power to run a 1600 watt load connected to it.