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Q: How much pressure is under 1 mile of the Earth?
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Does the pressure in the atmosphere increase or decrease?

Going farther up into air, pressure decreases. Going down, pressure increases. When you think about it, more air is pressing down on you when you are standing on earth because more is on top of you. When you are up in the air, there isn't as much air pressing on you which shows that there isn't as much pressure. The same concept applies when under water; The farther you go under, more water is pressing on you than when you are more towards the surface which=more pressure (underwater).

What is the movement of the inner core?

it is under so much pressure form the rest of the earth it behaves like a solid.

What is the composition of the outermost layer of the earth and the innermost layer?

The outermost core layer of the earth is made up of molten iron flowing around like a liquid - it is scorchingly hot and under a lot of pressure. The outer layer helps to create the Earth's magnetic field. The inner core is under even more pressure, so much so that it remains solid. It is made up of dense, heavy compounds containing the element iron. Source:

How much pressure does the inner core have?

Yes, because it is in the center of the Earth.

Is the earth's core a giant magnet?

Earth's core is pretty much a dense, hot metallic sphere. It is hard because there has been so much pressure on it and heat. The outer core is indeed a magnet because scientists believe that it produces the earth's magnet field.

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How much pressure is there 1 mile under the Atlantic Ocean?

about 2350 psi or 16.2 MPa

How much pressure is a human under on earth?

Approximately 20 tons

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How much higher is the surface pressure of Venus compared with that of earth?

Earth: about 100,000 Pascal at sea level. 100,000 Pascal is also known as 1 bar. Venus: about 92 bar at surface level.

Why would Saturn be hotter than earth if earth is closer to the sun?

Saturn is so much larger than Earth that it's atmosphere is under enough pressure to create a higher surface temperature.

Why can't you go to the core of the earth?

The interior of Earth is so hot and under so much pressure that a human could not survive going more than a few miles into the crust.

How do supervolcanos form?

Huge magma chambers grow under the earth and cannot be released through volcanic activity, until the pressure is too much and the magma pushes out through the earth's crust.

How much kilometers are in 1 mile?

1 mile = 1.60934 kilometres3 miles = just under 5 kilometres (4.83 approximately)

Why is there so much more pressure exerted on the earth's core than on the earth's surface?

Pressure is the weight of an overlying column of material. The pressure at the core comes from 6400km of overlying rock, which is much denser than air

How is the water in the swimming pool similar to earth's interior?

Pressure inside Earth increases much like pressure in the swimming pool increases.

Does the pressure in the atmosphere increase or decrease?

Going farther up into air, pressure decreases. Going down, pressure increases. When you think about it, more air is pressing down on you when you are standing on earth because more is on top of you. When you are up in the air, there isn't as much air pressing on you which shows that there isn't as much pressure. The same concept applies when under water; The farther you go under, more water is pressing on you than when you are more towards the surface which=more pressure (underwater).

How is it possible to miscarriage at five months?

you are under to much pressure